Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Seeking Donations

A thorough assessment has been made of all the assets and supplies our garden already has, and where there are deficits. We have many wonderful things in our garden already in use, like the greenhouse, tool shed and raised beds. We have a handful of gardening tools, including lots of hand trowels and a wonderful yard cart. We have a worm compost bin and quite a few black plastic pots and seed starting trays. There are things missing, however, that any garden should have and a few things that would enhance the learning experience of the garden for our students. The following is a list of supplies that would be welcome donations to the Maple Monarch Garden. Anyone wishing to donate can contact our parent garden contact at Thank you, our students appreciate it!

Small garden gloves: 30 pair
Flat-end shovels: 4
Wheelbarrows: 2
Hand sheers: 9
Hose nozzle: 2
Long hose: 1
Clipboards: 22
Plastic storage containers for small tools, gloves, etc: 9
Kneeling pads: 6
Tile to replace broken tiles on outdoor sink: 4’X6’ total size
Clean cardboard
Wood chips
Gravel or small stones
Gutters for collecting water into rain barrels from storage shed
Blueberry bushes
Lavender plants
Rosemary plants
Butterfly bushes
Rain gauge: 1
Outdoor temperature gauge: 1
Outdoor clock: 1
Magnifying glasses: 30
Sun dial: 1
Garden scale: 1
Bird feeders

Monday, November 25, 2013

Welcome to Our School Garden Blog!


Our elementary school in the heart of Beacon Hill in south Seattle has a goal. We have a lovely little garden on our campus with huge amounts of potential. We want to improve and expand this garden into a dynamic teaching area for our children and as a source of produce donations for a high school culinary program called FEEST (Food Empowerment Education and Sustainability Team) located in our neighborhood. We already have so many assets, including a small greenhouse, rain barrels, worm compost bins and many raised beds. With a bit of planning, funding and a lot of sweat we can turn this garden into an educational tool that will benefit our entire community. Whether you are a Maple student, parent, teacher, neighbor, or just someone interested in school gardens, we welcome you to follow us on our journey.

Maple Pride!

Can you see the potential?

Our greenhouse needs a little love.

This calls out for some wood chip pathways.

Shady and sunny areas are ready for vegetables and herbs.

There are some gems hidden in here, including a worm compost bin and a great yard cart.

The storage barn is ready to house lots of new tools.

Future home of dinosaur kale.