Thursday, December 5, 2013

Feeding the birds....

What do we do in the garden in the winter when it's 35 degrees Fahrenheit and the kids are shivering? We feed the birds, of course! Three 4th graders and three 5th graders joined me during afternoon recess to help in the garden. It was just too cold to do any garden work, we sought refuge in the greenhouse where we made these simple bird-feeders. After making sure that no student had a nut allergy, we proceeded to cover pine cones in peanut butter and then rolled them in sunflower seeds and cracked corn. Then, we went to the back area of the garden, which is quiet and tree-covered, to place the feeders around. There are now six cone-feeders hanging, we will check on them frequently to see if the birds are using them.  

While in the garden today, one of the 4th graders noticed that there is a HUGE nest in one of the trees behind our garden. We talked about what kind of bird must have made such a big nest and most children thought it must be an owl or a hawk. We talked about what Raptors are and how the bird that made this nest must be in the raptor family because of the size of it. Owls, hawks, eagles, peregrines, and turkey vultures all fit into the Raptor family. They are "birds of prey" that eat small mammals, fish and other birds and grab them up with their enormous strong claws. What a wonderful spontaneous opportunity for a lesson!  

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