Sunday, December 15, 2013

Getting Organized

It was a pretty rainy day in the garden this week so we again took refuge in the greenhouse. We took the opportunity to get a little organized. We had a lot of seeds donated by parents and decided they needed to be filed so we would have an easier time with them come planting time (When is that again?? Soon, we hope.) We labeled dividers and got all the seeds into a filing system. The students had discussions about whether individual varieties should be labeled separately, or whether we should group them by vegetable. In the end, the children opted for broader categories. Even the herbs were clumped together rather than be separated into "basil," "oregano," "cilantro" etc. One of our students was excited to find a seed with whom she shared a name. The "Veronica broccoli" now has a big fan and will surely get planted this spring. The students also noticed that all of our pine cone bird feeders were eaten clean; no seeds, no peanut butter, not a crumb to be found. Clearly, our bird friends were loving them. We made a note to re-fill them the next garden-work-day that it wasn't raining. Hopefully, that will be before May.

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